Dogs are often considered a man’s best friend and as pet owners, we always want to make sure that our furry companions are healthy and happy. Apart from keeping them clean, grooming also involves giving them a stylish haircut. In this blog, we’ll be discussing various haircut styles for dogs that you can try out at home or ask your groomer to give your pup a fresh new look.

Teddy Bear Haircut for Dogs

Haircut Styles for Dogs

The Teddy Bear Haircut is a well-liked canine style in which the body hair is cut to a medium length, but the face and ears are left with longer hair to give the dog a rounded, teddy bear-like appearance. Start by giving your dog a thorough bath and drying off before giving them a Teddy Bear Hairstyle. Use clippers to trim the body hair to a uniform length, then scissors to shape the lengthier hair on the face and ears into a rounded, teddy bear-like appearance.

Benefits of Teddy Bear Haircut

  • This type of haircut is incredibly cute and can enhance the appearance of many dog breeds.
  • Additionally, it can help to keep a dog’s coat more manageable and easier to maintain.
  • The teddy bear haircut can be particularly beneficial for dogs that have thick or curly hair, as it can help to prevent matting and tangling.
  • Moreover, the teddy bear haircut can also provide a level of comfort for dogs, especially during warmer months.

Poodle Cut | Haircut Styles 

Haircut Styles

In the popular dog grooming technique known as the “Poodle Cut,” the fur is cut to a particular length and form. The dog’s body, legs, tail, and head will all have its fur trimmed with clippers and scissors to give it this particular look. On the body and legs, the fur is typically short, while the head, ears, and tail are covered in longer fur. The Poodle Cut is a versatile style that can be customized to suit the dog’s breed, size, and personality.

Benefits of Poodle cut

  • It may aid in keeping the dog’s fur from matting and tangling. This is because the Poodle cut involves shaving specific parts of the fur short, which lessens the amount of hair that might become matted or tangled.
  • When a dog has shorter hair, it is less likely that dust or pollen allergens may become trapped in the fur and cause skin irritation. Itching and scratching can be uncomfortable for the dog, and this can help to lessen it.
  • It can make it easier to maintain the dog’s hygiene. Shorter fur can be easier to clean and dry after bathing or swimming, which can help to prevent skin infections or other health issues.

Top Knot | Dog Grooming Styles

Dog Haircut Styles

Dogs with the top knot haircut gather their top-of-the-head hair and tie it into a knot. Breeds with long hair, such as poodles, shih tzus, and Yorkshire terriers, are ideal for this look. The dog’s hair should first be brushed and gathered on top of its head to create the desired effect. Don’t pull the hair too tight while using a hair tie or bow to hold the hair back. To achieve a neat, polished look, trim any stray hairs near the knot.

Benefits of Top Knot

  • Firstly, it can help to keep the dog’s face free from hair, which can be beneficial for breeds with long hair that tends to get in their eyes and cause irritation or discomfort.
  • By keeping the hair off their face, it can improve their visibility and lessen the possibility of getting hair in their eyes or mouth, which could distract or hinder them during physical activity.
  • It can stop the hair from becoming tangled or matted, which can be painful for the dog and challenging for the owner to manage.
  • In addition, the Top Knot is an attractive option for dogs, particularly for those who take part in dog competitions or exhibitions.

Kennel Cut | Haircut Styles

Kennel Haircut

A dog’s body hair is shaved short in a style known as the “kennel cut,” leaving the dog’s head and tail with longer hair. While looking for a low-maintenance grooming option for their dogs, dog owners frequently choose this style. By carefully shaving the dog’s body with clippers while paying attention to any delicate areas or skin irritations, the procedure is performed on dogs. Overall, the kennel cut can improve a dog’s comfort in warm weather while also helping to keep their coat clean and prevent shedding.

Benefits of Kennel Cut

  • It can help keep your dog cool during hot weather and avoid heat exhaustion.
  • Skin infections and hot patches, which are more frequent in dogs with long hair, can be decreased as a result.
  • By keeping your dog’s coat short, you can reduce shedding and make pet cleanup simpler.
  • Reducing extra hair can help your dog look neater and better-groomed, which is crucial if you intend to enroll your dog in contests or other events.

Lamb Haircut – Dog Grooming Styles


For dogs with wavy hair, the lamb cut is still another appealing option. It entails cutting their hair short on every part of their body, including their head, tail, and legs. Depending on the breed of the dog and the owner’s preferences, the hair is normally clipped to a length of around an inch. Due to its ability to lessen shedding and keep dogs cool in hot weather, this kind of haircut is popular among dog owners. To prevent mistakes or injuries, the dog must be at ease and quiet throughout the procedure.

Benefits of Lamb Cut

  • The Lamb haircut is an adorable style that can make your dog look endearing and stylish.
  • It removes extra hair from your dog’s coat, minimizing shedding and making it simpler to manage their fur.
  • Removing extra hair from their bodies is perfect for dogs that live in hot or humid regions since it keeps them cool and comfortable.
  • The Lamb haircut helps to keep your dog clean and clear of dirt and debris that can collect in its coat by removing extra hair.

Lion Cut | Dog Grooming Styles

Haircut Style

To give canines the appearance of a lion, the body’s fur is clipped short, leaving the head, neck, and mane untrimmed. To obtain the desired appearance, a professional groomer typically conducts this trim using clippers and scissors. Whilst a lion cut can be given to any dog breed, Poodles, Shih Tzus, and Lhasa Apsos seem to have them the most frequently. If your dog lives in a warmer area or needs less coat maintenance, this cut can be a fantastic choice for you. The lion cut may not be appropriate for all dogs, but it is crucial to keep this in mind, as some dogs may not enjoy having their fur cut in this way.

Benefits of Lion Cut

  • A lion cut for dogs can make grooming easier by reducing the amount of fur to comb or brush, which can save time and effort.
  • A lion cut can help avoid fecal material from being stuck to the fur by shaving off extra hair around the anal area, lowering the risk of infections and bad odors.
  • The weight and density of a dog’s fur can be reduced with a lion cut, which can be especially effective for older dogs or those who have joint issues.
  • By allowing air to circulate over their skin, a lion cut can keep dogs cooler in hot weather and lower their chances of heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

Puppy cut | Dog Grooming Styles

Dog Haircut

The puppy cut is a type of grooming in which the dog’s coat is cut to a short, uniform length all over its body. Due to its simplicity and low maintenance requirements, this style is preferred for puppies and small dogs. The puppy’s fur was carefully cut with clippers by the groomer, who took care not to nick the puppy’s tender skin. The puppy enjoyed the feel of their freshly trimmed coat after the grooming procedure and was cheerful and lively.

Must Read   5 Tips for Choosing the Best Dog Hair Clippers

Benefits of Puppy Cut

  • The puppy cut is a low-maintenance style that requires minimal grooming. This makes it ideal for busy pet owners or those who are unable to spend a lot of time grooming their dogs.
  • It keeps dogs cool and comfortable, particularly in hot weather. They avoid overheating and find it simpler to control their body temperature by cutting their hair short.
  • Shorter hair makes it possible to keep a dog’s coat clean and prevents dirt, dust, and parasites from building up.
  • Dogs with longer hair may find it more difficult to move around freely and their movements may be restricted. With improved mobility thanks to the puppy cut, they can run and play more easily.

Summer Cut | Dog Grooming Styles 


An excellent approach to keep dogs cool and comfortable in the summertime is to give them a summer haircut. To improve airflow and reduce the dog’s insulating layer, the groomer shortens the dog’s coat. Moreover, it can lessen tangling and matting in the dog’s coat and make it easier to manage.

Benefits of Summer Cut

  • It can help reduce shedding in dogs by removing excess fur. This can make it easier to manage your dog’s shedding and keep your home cleaner.
  • Maintaining your dog’s hygiene may be simpler if their coat is shorter because shorter coats are simpler to bathe and groom.
  • Your dog will feel more at ease during outside activities and exercise after getting a summer haircut because they won’t be lugging around extra fur that can make them feel uneasy.
  • Matting can be irritating and painful for your dog because long hair is more prone to it. A summer trim can maintain your dog’s coat healthy and assist to prevent matting.

Schnauzer Haircut | Dog Grooming Styles


The Schnauzer Cut is a vital dog grooming style for Schnauzer dogs and is crucial to preserving both their physical and aesthetic well-being. The dog’s body hair is cut short, but the fur on its legs and brows is left longer. The cut is made to give the breed a distinctive appearance that has come to be recognized.

Benefits of Schnauzer Cut

  • Regular grooming with the Schnauzer Cut helps prevent these issues and ensures that the dog’s coat remains healthy and shiny.
  • It can help prevent skin irritations and infections. This breed has sensitive skin, and if their coat is not groomed correctly, it can lead to a build-up of dirt and oil, which can cause irritation and infection.
  • This dog grooming style helps to keep the dog’s coat clean and tangle-free. It also helps to enhance the dog’s appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions about Dog Grooming Styles

Is a scissor cut better than a trimmer?

If you are looking for precision and detail, scissors are likely the better choice. If you are looking for speed and efficiency in trimming larger amounts of hair, a trimmer may be the better option.

Which is better trimmer or a clipper?

A trimmer would be a better option if you wanted to cut and detail facial hair. While a clipper might be better suited for cutting longer hair or larger pieces of hair.

How much time does a dog haircut take?

Depending on several variables, including the dog’s size, the kind, and condition of its coat, the cut is chosen, and the groomer’s experience. A dog’s haircut can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours.

The grooming procedure might take anything from one and a half hours for small dogs with an easy haircut. Larger dogs may need up to three hours to get ready, compared to medium-sized dogs that may need 1.5 to 2 hours.

How often should I cut my dog’s hair?

You might need to trim your dog’s hair more frequently, possibly every 4-6 weeks if they have a long, thick coat that tangles easily. You might only need to trim your dog’s hair every 8 to 12 weeks if they have a shorter, less tangle-prone coat.

But, to maintain the shape of their coats and avoid matting, some breeds, including poodles and bichon frises, may need to be clipped every 4-6 weeks.

What dog breeds should not be shaved?

Dogs with double coats, such as Siberian Huskies, Malamutes, and Samoyeds, shouldn’t have their undercoats removed since they assist control body temperature and prevent sunburn. Wire-haired dogs, such as the Airedale Terrier, Dachshund, and Wire Fox Terrier, have coats that are made to shield them from inclement weather. So, don’t shave them.

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