Oh no! It’s time for you to start working back at the office, or hang out with friends, and now your dog is going to be home all alone! It’s going to be a trying time for you and your dog! However, there are a few things you can do to ensure your dog stays calm when you are not home. While you can easily create a few areas in your home where your dog feels safe, you may prefer to purchase a few products that have been proven to work. That way you can leave for work, or a night out, and not worry about how your dog is feeling all day, or night, long.

11 Products to Keep Your Dog Calm When They’re Home Alone

1 Puzzle Ball for Treats

There are so many puzzle balls out there for dogs and they all hold a decent amount of treats. Since you will no longer be home to give your dog treats during the day, you need a way for them to be rewarded for staying calm. Thankfully, your dog will be fairly calm after figuring out the puzzle ball and being rewarded with a few treats. Once your dog gets their treats, it is almost guaranteed they will lay down for a long snooze. 

2 Any Kong Dog Toy

Kong dog toys are sturdy and durable, so they will last a lot longer than other dog toys. Some of the Kong toys have an area on the inside that you can place treats in. This is perfect for dogs, because they need to think of how to get those treats out. These toys are available in many different sizes, so you will find one that is perfect for your dog. 

3 Dog Cameras

If you think your dog will flip out the minute they hear your voice, please do not consider a dog camera. However, if you think you can calm your dog down from your office, this is the product for you.  All you need to do is install the app on your smartphone and check in with your dog from time to time. 


4 Automatic Dog Launcher

You may think that a toy that automatically launches a ball across the room will never keep your dog calm, but it will. The exercise he gets from chasing the ball across the room and bringing it back again will tire your dog out. Remember, your dog won’t be getting the exercise they were getting when you were home all day, so they need to get some running around in before you get home. If they don’t do it in a constructive way with toys, they will get into something else!

5 Digging Toys

Digging toys are a dog’s best friend! After all, dogs love to dig, so why not let them dig during the day when you are not home? Indoor digging toys allow you to hide items inside for your dog to find. You might be surprised how long your dog digs for once you bring this toy home. 

6 Comfort Cuddler

A comfort cuddler is a new product your dog will love. It is shaped like a heart and you can place your pillowcase, or other item that smells like you, inside. Your dog can snuggle up to their Comfort Cuddler while you are at work, so they don’t miss you at all. 

7 A Buddy

You may not think that another dog would keep your dog calm when you are away from home, but it works like a charm. Two dogs can play with each other and wear each other out much faster. This is the perfect option if you want a couple calm dogs in your household. Just remember, two dogs are sometimes twice the work in some areas. So, be prepared to spend a little more of the time you are home doing the work that two dogs require. 


8 SmartPetLove Snuggle Puppy

If you don’t want another pet, you can always purchase a SmartPetLove Snuggle Puppy for your dog. This toy comes with a heat pack, as well as a pulsing heartbeat. When your dog snuggles up with it, they will feel like they have a new friend to spend time with. 

9 ThunderEase Dog Calming Pheromone Diffuser

Since you know your dog will be anxious when you leave the house, you must be prepared with products like the ThunderEase Dog Calming Pheromone Diffuser. This diffuser sends out aromatherapy that smells like a mother dog’s nursing odor. Those nursing pheromones will instantly calm your dog when they are anxious or nervous. 

10 Dog Calming Chews

To avoid spending hours trying to escape the house in the morning, we recommend giving your dog a calming chew shortly before you leave. There are so many different dog calming chew products available. You can easily choose the one your dog loves the best. 

11 Pet Tunes Bluetooth Speaker

The Pet Tunes Bluetooth Speaker is perfect for dogs, because it comes with pre-recorded dog-friendly music. You can turn this speaker on in the morning and it will play all day long until you turn it off when you get home. Studies show this one device can calm a dog down in less than five minutes. The best part is the battery charge will last for up to ten hours, so you won’t need to worry about the music shutting off before you reach your house. 

These eleven products will help keep your dog calm when you are not at home. So, whether you are heading back to the office, or going out for a night on the town, your dog won’t wreak havoc on your home. Instead, they will keep themselves busy, wear themselves out, and stay out of trouble, while not being anxious at all. This is considered a win for dog parents everywhere! 

If you are planning on leaving your house any time soon, we recommend picking up a couple of these products. You will be amazed at how well your dog does when you leave them for the first time! 


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