Puppies are notorious for being hyperactive and into everything! It is normally only during the puppy stage, and most puppies outgrow this stage within a year or two. However, spending that long with a hyperactive puppy can really test your patience. Therefore, we thought we would share a few product ideas you can use for your hyperactive puppy. 

5 Great Product Ideas for Hyperactive Puppies

1 NaturVet Quiet Moments Calming Aid for Dogs

These soft chews are just what you need to calm your puppy down for a little bit. Each chew is full of natural ingredients that won’t harm your dog. Instead, those ingredients work together to relieve any anxious and hyper behaviors. A few ingredients inside these treats are brewer’s yeast, canola oil, dried potatoes, thiamine, and melatonin. 

You can only use these treats with puppies aged twelve weeks and older. 

2 Zesty Paws Calming Dental Sticks for Dogs

Sometimes hyperactive puppies simply need something to do in order to calm down. These dental sticks allow them to chomp on something that has calming ingredients too. The melatonin and valerian root help to calm your puppy, while the texture of the stick cleans their teeth. As an added bonus, these dental sticks include peppermint oil, which leaves your puppy with minty fresh breath! 


3 Pet Qwerks Talking Babble Ball Dog Toy

Hyperactive puppies need lots of exercise to calm down and that is where this talking babble ball comes in. Whenever your puppy touches this ball, the ball will talk and make animal sounds. Your puppy will think this toy is real and alive, which means entertainment for hours. This toy is available in three sizes, which makes it perfect whether you have a small, medium, or big puppy. 

4 Puzzle Dog Food Bowl

One of the best ways to get your hyperactive puppy to slow down is to make them eat out of a puzzle dog food bowl. These bowls are designed to make your puppy work for their food. Depending on the bowl, your puppy might need to move pieces of the puzzle or simply work hard to get down into a smaller space. This is the perfect product if your puppy normally inhales their food. 

Ball Dog Toy

5 OurPets Buster Food Cube

If you want to challenge your dog a little more in the middle of the day, we recommend giving them a food cube. While this food cube normally holds dog food, you can fill it with treats too. Your puppy will need to figure out how to push this cube around, so the treats pop out. It is an excellent way to use up some mental and physical energy, which may be enough to make your puppy want to nap for a while. 

These are five great product ideas for your hyperactive puppy. You do not need to try them all at once. We recommend starting with one to see how it works and then adding others as needed. You may even need to try a few options before you discover the one that works best for your puppy. 

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