So you have a new dog, now what? We’re sure you love him or her with all your heart and you want it to be treated as a family member. As it should be! We wrote this guide to help people, giving them ideas on how to groom and take care of their dogs and improve their well being.


Groom your dog If your dog gets excessively dirty or matted, it may cause health problems. But he can still get clean by himself. The same methods and products you use for cleaning your body, you should use on the dog’s coat. You should always bathe your dog in the lake. The water makes the dog clean himself and reduces the smell. He can also be bathed at a dog park or at a training camp. After bathing, shampoo your dog once or twice. Brush the coat with a stiff bristle brush. Bathe regularly Brush your dog regularly. Make sure that he gets enough water. Make sure that he gets a daily massage with a good ointment. Follow this up with a good diet, which provides enough nutrients for your dog’s body. Massage the dog regularly with a good amount of grain.


Dogs need balanced diets with a variety of healthy and nutritious foods. You will notice your dog get extra playful after eating a different food, so choose a diet that can do that for you. Food, Nutrition and Supplements Do not forget to take your dog for its monthly checkup. He or she will have to visit a veterinarian every month to get a complete and proper checkup. If you do not want to get an X-ray of your dog’s body, you can send him or her to a vet who can check and give you a dog checkup. Your vet will have the option to perform x-rays or an exam on the dog. Of course, he can always do an exam using the blood sample, which will give your vet more accurate information. Grooming Grooming is as important as a daily feeding.


A healthy dog is a happy dog. The animal doesn’t need a trip to the vet, doesn’t have a fever and he or she will not starve in the evening. They shouldn’t even need a vaccine, unless the pet isn’t fully vaccinated and has a very high chance of contracting an illness. All that is fixed in this handy guide that will help you take care of your dog and you’ll see that it’s a lot of fun to do it! Grooming Most of us think that grooming is just for cute puppies and we look down on other dogs in our lives, but this guide has lots of great tips. Read through and you’ll realize that it’s not hard at all and that you can’t possibly damage your beloved pet.


Socialization is the best thing you can do for your dog. Why? Because he has to learn how to take care of himself and people and other dogs. Do not force it First of all, let him have a good quality of life and do not spoil him with too many things that will turn him into a crazy dog, pulling you around. It’s just him and you, so make him have time with you. You should try to leave him alone when he is sleeping and shower him with some loving care when he is awake. Start with a fun game. Play fetch with a ball, or a tug of war, take him to the park, take him to the dog park. Never let him run away! Never let him be alone! He needs you and only you! Never let him go anywhere else. Imagining being lost or attacked by a stranger will make him quite insecure.


A dog is like an infant who requires parental guidance. You can begin training it by rewarding good behavior and bad behavior, asking him to sit, stay or lay down and click when it does so. Moreover, you can teach your dog not to beg on the table or to learn not to jump or to not lick. All these are things that you can do to increase his welfare and hence his confidence level. Grooming A dog’s skin needs to be groomed regularly to keep it in a good condition. It helps to keep the dog healthy and prevent it from being exposed to dirt, viruses and worms. If your dog is hairy, it is best to have your dog groomed regularly. You can also prevent your dog from having fungal and bacterial infections by trimming his nails or removing his skin with shaving cream.


Here is our guide on how to feed, groom and take care of your dog. If you have any ideas, suggestions, we’d be happy to see it in the comment section below. Feeding One of the first things you must know about feeding your dog is that you are choosing the only food you will feed him or her. In other words, you’ll want to feed your dog organic food as much as possible. You should never feed your dog any bread, crackers, or other processed food. Your dog’s body has no need for these food since it’s not nutritious enough. Instead, feed your dog whole natural foods and fruits, veggies, nuts, and healthy fats. There are plenty of healthy foods to feed your dog; you just have to make sure they are organic so they are nutritious and better for your dog.

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