Service dogs are man’s best friend in the truest sense of the phrase. They can help people with any number of different disabilities accomplish all kinds of tasks they might not otherwise be able to do on their own, from pulling wheelchairs to opening doors to picking up dropped items. If you’re interested in learning more about how service dogs help improve lives and make life easier for people with disabilities, read on to learn more about what makes these animals such an invaluable tool when it comes to helping people with disabilities lead happier, healthier lives.

What Are Service Dogs?

service dogs

These dogs are specially trained to help people with disabilities such as visual impairments, hearing impairments, and mobility issues. Although service dogs receive a lot of attention from their wheelchair-bound owners, they also aid people who don’t use wheelchairs by alerting them to various sounds (e.g., doorbells), guiding them in low-light conditions, and helping them get around on busy sidewalks.

What Do Service Dogs Do?

service dogs

Service dogs are specially trained to help people with disabilities. These dogs may assist their owners in a number of ways, such as guiding visually impaired owners through crowded areas, or alerting diabetic owners to falling blood sugar levels. They can help people in a variety of other ways, too. For example, by providing stability for those who have difficulty walking or standing upright. And there are lots of different types of service dogs that help people across a broad spectrum of special needs.

Emotional Benefits of Service Dogs

service dogs

Have you ever seen a person carrying a service dog? These animals can help people who have emotional or mental disabilities. Service dogs can also help their owners who have physical disabilities. Anyone that suffers from depression may see great benefits from owning a service dog. They are particularly helpful to those who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). And they do not just make life easier for people with physical or mental disabilities; they also provide companionship and joy to all of their owners.

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Who Trains Them?

While there are plenty of organizations that claim to train service dogs, not all are legitimate. It is important to find a good school if you want a dog that will help your condition, not hinder it. Research programs in your area and talk to people who have had positive experiences, as well as those who were disappointed by their dogs’ performance. When you’ve found an organization you trust, contact them about getting on their waiting list.

Where Can I Get a Service Dog?

There are several organizations that will work to pair people with disabilities with trained service dogs, but it’s important to choose a reputable organization if you want a positive experience. The dog must be specifically trained and certified by an organization such as Paws With A Cause or America’s VetDogs. You can also look into whether your state has any breed restrictions.

How Much Do They Cost?

Service dogs can range in price depending on breed, training, and location. The average service dog costs approximately $6,000. In addition to purchasing a dog, you’ll need to budget for food, treats and toys, annual vet checkups/vaccinations and other medical expenses like emergency care or special equipment.

Remember These Things When Dealing With Service Animals

Service animals are trained to help individuals who have disabilities. They aren’t pets. If you encounter a service animal in public, remember that it is there to assist its owner and not entertain you or other patrons of a store or restaurant. If you’re unsure if an animal is a service animal, leave it alone. It’s not your job to question whether an animal needs to be there.



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