KONG dog toys are some of the most popular out there, and it’s easy to see why! They come in tons of different shapes and sizes to meet your pup’s needs and challenges, whether you have a small breed or a larger one. Plus, they’re durable and sturdy, so even after lots of chewing, your pup will still be able to play with them happily. Check out our list of the 5 best KONG dog toys out there below!

The Original KONG Dog Toys

Kong is one of many dog toy companies out there that’s dedicated to making high-quality, durable products. As with any product you buy, a big part of choosing a Kong dog toy is deciding whether it’s worth spending your money on a Kong dog toy instead of something else. If you are familiar with KONG toys and have used them in the past, then you might be tempted to just buy another one. However, if you don’t know what makes these toys so great or haven’t yet tried them, then knowing which Kong is best for your dog can be difficult. That’s why we put together a list of our favorite KONG toys and how they could benefit your pup!


Kong Easy Treat


The best thing about Kong dog toy is that they’re easy to fill. There are a few ways to do it, and you can choose whichever is most convenient. You can simply stuff some dog food into the opening of your Kong toy, but it might be easier to use an ice cream scoop or other disher instead. This way, you won’t make a mess trying to use your hands and will get more accurate portions every time. Be sure that whatever you decide to fill your Kong with isn’t too hot for Fido—you don’t want to burn his tongue!
Once you’ve got your Kong filled, don’t forget to give it a good freeze. Otherwise, it will just be an ordinary stuffed toy and your dog won’t have much of a reason to chew on it. If you plan on freezing your Kong more than once or twice, you may want to consider buying freezer-safe Kongs instead of regular ones. This will save you some time and allow you to defrost them whenever Fido needs something to occupy him.


Kong Wubba


This is Kong’s version of a squeaker, and it’s actually one of their most durable. The squeaker isn’t loud, but it sure does pack a wallop. As with any dog toy, be careful not to leave your pup unattended; if he gets his teeth around that squeaker, he can puncture it with little effort. The Wubba comes in three sizes: small (for dogs under 15 pounds), medium (for dogs from 15 to 30 pounds) and large (for dogs 30+ pounds). It also floats!
If your pup is a master chewer and shredder, then you need to take advantage of Kong’s exclusive red rubber formula. It’s more resistant to punctures than normal rubber (and quite durable), so your pooch will have to work a little harder if he wants to get his teeth around that squeaker. It comes in three sizes: small (for dogs under 15 pounds), medium (for dogs from 15 to 30 pounds) and large (for dogs 30+ pounds). The small Wubba even floats!

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Kong Dog Teasers


These are toys that can be used as both a regular chew toy or a treat dispenser. Choose from Kong dog teasers, KONG Snacks and more. The benefit of these toys is that you can use them to reward your pup when he does something good, like sitting still on command or having great leash manners. He’ll be so excited about getting his reward treats from his toy that he won’t even notice you giving him all those extra treats to help him lose weight. Or you can use kong dog teasers as chew toys, which is a great way to keep your pup busy while you prepare dinner or take care of other household tasks.


Squeaker Ball


Not only does a squeaker ball help keep your pooch entertained, but it also strengthens his gums and jaw. If you’re looking for a fun toy that provides hours of chewing fun and training value, look no further than a classic squeaker ball. Kong makes some of our favorite versions. we especially love their Flyer Disc with Rope Tug.

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